Entrepreneur, ex-family office fund manager, Vicky Ramancha who is now a CEO and owner of RNR Healthcare is working on solving the world’s biggest pharmaceutical product production problem when it comes to shortages. Health has become a very hot topic in recent years, and because of COVID according to numerous analyses, people do spend more on healthcare now than ever before. At the same time the cost of healthcare has increased significantly. Considering the global financial situation, there are a lot of people who cannot afford medicine and are suffering. Large pharma companies keep their high margins, and prices of medicines keep increasing as new diseases come out to surface. Vicky Ramancha says that one of the reasons for high pharma prices is that during shortages, purchase cost increases. Reason for shortages is because there is not enough supply, and the reason for not enough supply is a limited production capacity.
Large pharma companies may have dozens of production lines for each of their products, while smaller pharma companies do not have the luxury to afford multiple production lines. Note that small pharma companies go through tons of tests and approvals to get new products out, and this process is very expensive. Usually new companies don’t have enough funding to produce big mass.
On the other hand, large pharma enterprises do have a lot of production lines but they also have a lot of products. In the end, if there is a shortage for a specific product both large and small pharma companies face issues.
To solve these issues, the product manufacturer can place production orders to third parties but that would increase risk to disclose confidential product information and other risks. And because of this reason alone, shortages tend to exist for multiple years in a row leaving people to overpay for products multiple times. In many of such cases people, who need the medicine most, don’t get them at all because they cannot afford it.
RNR Healthcare is a specialized trading company focusing on high demand product supply chain. The CEO of RNR Healthcare, Vicky Ramancha, has connected world’s leading pharma product manufacturers to RNR Healthcare’s supply chain from which RNR
Healthcare can provide and supply clients with only high end required pharma products which are in huge demand. On regular, such access is heavily restricted and just simply not accessible, however from consulting and investment background Vicky Ramancha has established very strong relationships with world’s leading pharma production houses and right now RNR Healthcare is trading highly in demand pharma products.
Vicky Ramancha, says that the shortage is a real problem, and RNR Healthcare as a pharma trading business is helping a lot of people to supply high demand products.
However, the vision for the company is to enhance technology more and develop advanced facilities to provide access to original product manufacturers for mass product purposes while keeping all product rights and discretions with complete privacy.
According to Vicky Ramancha, RNR Healthcare is working on an advanced technology robotic algorithm in connection with machine learning and artificial intelligence to create a special way of producing pharma products. This way would protect the original IP of the product without disclosing full information. RNR Healthcare has already started preparations and early developments and is also looking to go public by 2025.