The cryptocurrency world offers investors to claim overnight fortune and fame. This is because the cryptocurrency value has been booming since its first inception.
We take a look at nineteen of the richest people in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies which may well inspire you to enter the digital currency phenomenon.
With the popularity and profit yield of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, Forbes has released a new report on the nineteen richest people based on their estimated holdings in cryptocurrency.
These statistics are based on estimated holdings or cryptocurrencies, post-tax profits from trading crypto-assets and stakes in crypto-related businesses.
These are locked in the estimates, using prices on 19 January 2018.
Although the report aims to reveal every cryptocurrency millionaire, the report acknowledges that not all millionaires will be presented on the list, due to the secretive nature of bitcoin.
The list also exclusively pin-points only the richest of the rich in the digital phenomenon because people would have to be in possession of a minimum of $350 million in order to make the cut on the list.
Also, the findings show that the average age of the cryptocurrency’s richest people was just 42. This is remarkably lower than the average age of the Forbes 400 list which is 67.
He goes under the pseudonym, @coin_artist. The Nakamoto puzzle contained a code that revealed a private key that granted its discoverer access to the full wallet of bitcoins.
After being held in the wallet for nearly three years, the bitcoins were finally removed from the wallet last week.
It is reported that a 30-year-old programmer had claimed the bitcoin, after searching online for puzzles related to crypto-currencies. The programmer allegedly asked to conceal his identity as he lived in a country where it was “not safe” to own Bitcoin.
The puzzle encoded a series of zeros and ones, in complicated rows of flames painted around the edge of the canvas.
Interestingly, the colour and shapes of each flame determined a four-character piece of the binary series. The further part of the code was represented by six ribbons of different lengths in the bottom right-hand corner.
Once all of these codes were worked out and pieced together, the puzzle-solver was able to translate the full string of zeros and ones into a Bitcoin private key with the assistance of a simple computer program.
It wasn’t surprising that it had taken so long for someone to solve the painting’s code, said Peter Todd, a cryptography consultant.
“Puzzles like that one aren’t things you can just throw computing power at – they’re genuine brain puzzles”.