Technology is fast-tracking the way people work their trade. From creating articles to marketing stories and creating video, the digital applications that make use of artificial technology is assisting people with better compiling information and presenting their work.
We take a look at five applications which can assist people with everything from interviewing to transcribing, according to the International Journalist’s Network (IJNet).
Happy Scribe
This app enables people to transfer audio and video recordings into written format.
This saves time of manually transcribing which may take up to several hours.
Created by two Dublin City University students, Andre Bastie and Marc Assens in May 2017, this app enables users to transcribe more than a hundred languages.
Users can also edit the recordings and protect it as the app features encryption software.
Enlight Videoleap
This 2017 released app similarly offers users to edit files. Text as well as audio can be added to videos. The simple-design enables users to add media such as pictures and sound by simply tapping the screen. The video can also be edited by using your fingers and moving it around.
This app, created by developer Xiaodong Wang focuses on photography. It enables journalists to capture professional photos from their mobile device.
Its design is similar to the iPhone’s portrait mode which features the “bokeh effect” to photos. This is when the background of the image is blurred, allowing for more focus on the subject.
The apps also allows for 3D imaging and you can also use different lenses.
What the app also does is it provides video tutorials which shows you how to capture images.
Astro compiles email clutter by means of an artificial assistant, Astrobot.
The assistant is able to send reminders for people to follow-up on messages.
Users can also chat with Astrobot by using Amazon Alexa.
This artificial assistant provides users with advice on how to manage emails.
A transcription tool, Recordly enables users to transcribe interview that has been recorded on their phone.
Meanwhile, in December, Google launched three new photography apps.
The apps are called Storyboard, Selfissimo! and Scrubbies and have reportedly been released as part of a new “appsperiments” launched by Google.
The photography “appsperiments” are “usable and useful mobile technology experiences built on experimental technology”, says a statement from the Google research blog.
Storyboard takes video clips and instantly takes out six frames that will be laid out in comic book style template.
This app is almost like an automatic black and white photo booth on your smartphone.
This app allows you to remix videos like a DJ by scrubbing back and forth through a video clip to create video loops.