What makes Absa an innovative leader in Industry 4.0?
Within a year, Absa was able to set up ChatBanking for significant value and retail returns through a bank-integrated multiplatform system. For example, by activating an icon, users can ask a bot to action a request. We are now leaning into bot intelligence to build shortcuts in order to better enable customers to pay rent and pocket money, or simply buy prepaid airtime. We have also partnered with startups through our Cape Town-based innovation hub, providing support and resources, as well as develop the best technology solutions for our customers.
How does Absa use creative strategy to better service consumers?
We aim to solve customers’ fundamental problems first because it will solve the root cause of many other problems. Our focus is always on the customer and by using human-centred design (HCD) thinking, we develop solutions to problems by involving the human perspective in all steps of the problem-solving process. Whatever the design, we incorporate real human beings who will interact, test the product and channel the design solution. This ensures that we reach our goal with more agility. The feedback we obtain from the testing sessions assists in continuous improvements. We think of everything as a system and always think of the big picture: To constantly innovate and ensure Absa customers have a good user experience at all touch points.
Read more in the March/April issue of Fast Company South Africa.